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Server Rules

Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:13 pm

Renegade Heroes is a gaming community of online and real life friends
who enjoy having fun playing online games.

Play Nice.

Racists names and remarks are not allowed.

Abusive and/or foul language will not be tolerated.

Porn sprays are forbidden.

Voice and/or text spamming will not be tolerated.

Admins are always present and always right,
Listen to them.

Consider this notice your only warning.

Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:09 pm

Should make this sticky.....

Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:31 pm

SgtMagoo wrote:Should make this sticky.....

I knew someone would come along and sticky it :)

Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:49 pm

Ban Requests

If you see someone breaking our rules, let an admin know via admin chat (default steps: press U for team speak, then type "@ message here" without the quotes). Give us the individuals name and a brief statement as to what s/he is doing. Don't worry about getting any SteamIDs as we can get these anytime. Now in the case you do see someone breaking the rules and you don't know who your admins are, this is the current list of admins for TF2:

Anxiety Clown
Thunder Clown
Crash Clown
G.I. Patton_Slapped
Carl Weathers

Now, in the case that there is no admin playing, you may want to sent message via the Steam friends IM program, or you can send a Private Message via the RH forums. Please do not post any Ban Request in the TF2 General forum as we do not need anyone to be given reason to commit mischief via 'unbanned' friends.

With everyones help we can keep this server the fun, kick @$$ place to play TF2 that it currently is.

Thank you.

Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:06 pm

Guys and gals, please review our rules once again, including the items that Jinxter has elaborated on:

WARNING, this post may be a bit heavy handed, but IMO these items need to be addressed once again.

There is NO spamming of the voice channel. Spamming of the voice channel is annoying and can be considered griefing, which is to steal the fun from others in order to amuse oneself. What exactly does this mean?
- This means don't hold down the voice key and play your favorite annoying song...
- This means you don't hold down the voice key and say the same thing over and over...
- This means you don't goad others to do it.
- If this occurs, you WILL be kicked
- If you come back on and continue to do it, you WILL be kicked and may be banned

Don't spam the chat channel as well...

Watch your language.
- Please be aware that many clan members have their children either watching or playing along side them...
- If you would not speak a certain way in front of your family (Dad, Mom, Wife, Husband, G/F, B/F) then don't do it here.
- Now, keep in mind that this is during primetime, when children may/may not be playing...
- Now, after (and I want the other admins to chime in...) say 2230 or so, then don't worry about it so that time adults will be adults

ABSOLUTELY NO 'ISM's allowed...
- This means you don't use racial or sexual slurs...
- Racial Slurs will get you banned immediately with the length of the ban up to the admin that performs the banning action...
- I don't know when people started using the term GAY, but knock it are using the term in a derogatory manner so stop.
- This term IS hurtful...those who are, do not laugh at it...if you abuse this, you will be kicked and most likely banned.

- We have a few ladies who like to play here, and they are here because this is known as a place that they can play w/o being hit on.
- Just play along side them as team mates.
- Sexual Harassment will NEVER be tolerated.
- Yes, this means you will be kicked and probably banned.

The ability to check out everyone's sprays is now working, if I see that you have a pornographic, or sexist spray, and you spray it, you will be warned. Any subsequent sprays earns you first a kick and depending on your actions after the kick, maybe a ban.

Please remember that we all want a fun place to play, and you can be an obnoxious shite, but as long as you are not doing the above, we will all, more than likely tolerate it. The minute you are affecting the fun of the others on the server, you are gone. Please insure that this is the last time a post like this is brought up.

Remember why you started playing here, and remember why you keep coming back, and remember why you wanted to join this group...


Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:22 pm

Guys / gals, we're seeing some things that are bothersome and could result in a less-than-stellar gaming experience for regs, non-regs, and RH.

We'd like to reiterate that saying things like "that's gay", "you're gay", or even just plain "gay" in response to something on our server is not acceptable. Aside from the derogatory nature of the term, it also paints our clan [RH] with a childish and immature brush... something the [RH] community has never been about. Please refrain from making remarks like this.

Additionally, we've seen an increase in players going to Spectate Mode in order to switch to the other team to play with friends or be on the 'winning team'. This is unsportsmanlike and could be construed by non-RH as team-stacking. Please refrain from this behavior.

We are a clan that invites people of all skill-levels to play without worrying about being called names or having the teams stacked unfairly against them. We've all tried hard over the past 5+ years to earn a good reputation in the gaming community, so let's make sure we don't lose it.

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