Ok, so I've had an account balance at Blizzard, from selling some game tokens, since I stopped playing retail oh so many years ago. Well, Blizzard just came out with a pre-order for their next expansion to be release at the end of this year and part of the deal is that you get immediate access to all current WOW content. So I used my balance to pre-order the next expansion, paid for a month, and logged in...
I'll say right off it's an easy game now to level, little grinding, it's enjoyable to just play and follow the main story (campaign), they "squished" the levels down to 70 and just following the main quest line (campaign) and doing side quests I had no problems leveling. As part of the squishing they gave each existing toon a full set of gear appropriate for their new level.
Blizzard has really figured out phasing, and you can actually pick the expansion when leveling to 60. All of the zones get scaled to your level while doing that. I picked "Battle of Azeroth" and it was a lot of fun.
The latest expansion "Dragonflight" was a bit more boring with a less compelling story. But they have one HUGE bit of fun... dragon riding. It's very unique and hella fun to do.
I've leveled one of my old druids, Lycanthra, to level 70 as a tank and I'm expecting to put the game back down by the time my 1 month subscription runs out in a couple of weeks. Then I'll pick it up again for at least another month when the pre-ordered expansion comes out at the end of the year (or earlier if I get an itch to level another toon in Legions or Shadowlands...
