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 Post subject: Highlander Team Strats Thread
PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:29 am 
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Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:13 pm
Posts: 31
Hi guys. This is almost entirely directed to the people on the HL team.

So we've played 3 scrims (6 rounds) so far and we've gone 3 wins, 1 loss, 2 ties. I've talked with most of you on the HL team individually/in smaller groups but we need to discuss strats as a team. It's hard when people need to hurry offline to eat dinner/take showers right after the games, so this might be a good place to talk about strategies.

First off, I'm not sure if you guys are aware, but I post links to the stats of each scrim/match that we play... provided the server has sizzlingstats or stats enabled. These are in the comments under the announcements of the scrims on the steam group page:

Next, here's a collection of tf2 highlander guides if you're interested in learning about your role on various maps: Finally, here's a collection of incredible highlander guides: ... yer-guides I haven't read through all of them, but it's worth a look.


So to start things off, I'll talk about borneo, the first map on the schedule and the map we've scrimmed the most (only twice...). This is basically a summary of what I talked about individually with all of you.

  • Pushing the cart up the bridge to the second point was a lot tougher than it should have been. We kept running kritz from the far right, which did not work. We should probably have run uber up the bridge instead.
  • Pushing into last wasn't that bad. I was surprised that we got in so quickly - good job!

  • First point - our sentry was in the house on the left, but jinx got sniped by a sniper sitting right next to spawn. Maybe put the sentry on the other side?
  • Second point - I don't remember what happened here. Fill me in?
  • Third point + Last point - A number of errors turned this into a complete roll. First, Max was going kritz when uber would have been more useful. Second, Jinxter didn't move his sentry back to last fast enough so there was no opposition at last. Finally, we all pushed up, following the combo/trying to defend our sentry and ended up all wiping. Once the third point is captured, blu team gets the forward spawn room, so we should have all held much farther back at last.

  • HK wasn't spy checking. Puff flames almost constantly, if not only to prove that you're not a spy.
  • flomu/I was doing terribly against the scout, missing a lot of shots.
  • Max was on kritz the entire (?) map, which wasn't a very good strategy, either on offense at the second point or on defense at last.
  • Jinxter had some bad sentry positions.
  • Communication!!! Talk more in mumble so people know what's going on! DANE GET A MIC

I don't want this to become a pointing fingers game, so please keep it to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.


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 Post subject: Re: Highlander Team Strats Thread
PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:26 am 
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Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:13 pm
Posts: 31
first half:
second half:

Tonight's scrim was messy to start with, with Mithyk and plaaayer not being able to make it and then Jinx not showing up/DANE coming late. But we managed to get some really good ringers and subs and we rolled the other team 4-0.

Here's my take on the scrim.

The Good
  • Day Bad (sub demo) was main calling (saying what to do, essentially), and he was really good at it. He told us to fall back when we needed to, and push out when we needed to. This communication allowed for some great kritz runs.
  • Alise (sub sniper) was out-sniping their sniper and generally dominating the entire team.
  • Hkness was playing out of his mind subbing for Jinx as engie, racking up almost as many kills as Day Bad. Had the highest KA/D ratio overall. Kept the dispenser up constantly as well.
  • Heisenberg died only 4 times in the first three rounds. How the hell?

The Bad
  • People were generally standing around in sniper sightlines asking to be headshot. It worked out this time because Alise was on top of her game, but we should generally be more conservative and hide behind shelter. Heisenberg and DANE, especially, liked to peek out.
  • We didn't tell each other where to go out from spawn. We need to know if we're going cliff, stairs, main, or whatever. It worked out this time because the other team was less organized than us, but a good team could just block/spam one of the three paths and we wouldn't even be able to get to the point.
  • Moniker's stats seem to tell a good story: respectable damage numbers with relatively few kills and the most deaths. Sounds like you're charging them head-on. Maybe focus more on flanking and getting the kills on weaker opponents.
  • Bad rollouts. Day Bad should have gotten there earlier, and I should have probably whipped instead of rocket jumped.

We need to improve our comms between the regular members. We rallied around Day Bad's calls, and I think Mithyk or Max should be doing the same. Our previous scrims had some communication problems, partially because we haven't had a main caller. Also, stay out of sight from the sniper. Our medic should rarely even be seen by the sniper, and only our heavy has enough health to peek out and not die instantly.

Here's a guide on viaduct: ... iaduct_Pro I don't fully agree with this, especially about the demo role and the level 3 sentry blurb in the engie section.


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 Post subject: Re: Highlander Team Strats Thread
PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:06 am 
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Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:26 pm
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Dude...told you I was going to be at PAX...I didn't show because you already knew I could not be there

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 Post subject: Re: Highlander Team Strats Thread
PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:04 pm 
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Jinxter wrote:
Dude...told you I was going to be at PAX...I didn't show because you already knew I could not be there

Oh damn, sorry. I thought I asked you if thursday was fine, and you said yes. Either way, have fun!

We might not have another scrim before the first match on pl_borneo, but as Max pointed out, that's just a preseason match.


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 Post subject: Re: Highlander Team Strats Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:30 pm 
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90 minute long video about barnblitz!!


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