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New here? How to act on this server...

Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:49 pm

This server IS for fun. NEVER forget that.

If someone wants a trade...LET THEM TRADE! No more berating people looking for a trade. Now, this does not mean that someone who is ONLY trading will be allowed to stay, but calls for a trade does NOT make them open season by others to continually tell them to leave the server. This gives the impression that we are NOT a fun server.

No homophobic crap...none of our members or regulars do it, but if you bring any of your friends/acquaintances on, let them know. Also, most of our admins don't want to put up with it, so don't be surprised if that ban hammer flies.

Kicking for members DOES occur. If you are a regular we DO attempt to kick others, but at times, this won't happen. If we don't recognize your name, we may kick you. Sorry...keep a name we know, and we will attempt to kick around you. But kicking to allow you in on the server is only allowed for those wearing the [RH]. Please don't get disappointed if we deny to make a spot for you if you don't have the tag...

No griefing...don't know what that is? Watch below...teleporter traps are NOT cool...funny to watch, not funny to be held in one.

Re: New here? How to act on this server...

Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:10 pm

I love the Team Roomba stuff, brings back memories of when I liked the game. :)
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