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Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:37 pm

Yet another TF2 update rolled out today, but of course there's things that VALVe don't mention in their release notes. So what is it this time? Grockets. Or crash landed rockets if you will.


So far, they've crashed into 3 maps:



And pl_barnblitz

Could VALVe be hyping up the next major update already? Or is it something else... :shock:

Re: Grockets

Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:13 pm

EPIC RAY GUN SOLDIER UPDATE!!! Can't wait to try these puppies out!

Re: Grockets

Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:50 am

The new rocket launcher is really fun. It has some good counter-balances, although overall it's an upgrade to the regular RL (reduced sentry damage is something to think about, but is also very situational and controllable). Alt-fire has its own drawbacks and reminds me of alt-fire in UT where you can shoot all 3 (or all 6 in UT99) rockets at the same time.

I have the raygun, but I'm still messing with it.

Re: Grockets

Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:20 am

While initially thinking this was pretty messy game visuals, within minutes I realized this was the best update ever for the medic. Yes, the medic. You can see the "laser" coming from a mile away and it moves so slowly, and honestly, everyone sucks with it, that I was rarely getting killed by it. Only in enclosed spaces and never in an open field.

I am sure players will get better but in the meantime keep using that lousy weapon as you are mesmerized by the pretty graphics and kill animation. I will keep charging my uber, again, and again, and again,.... BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Re: Grockets

Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:48 am

Parkmad wrote: I will keep charging my uber, again, and again, and again,.... BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Only to be hit by an errant arrow, fired at a lob trajectory from 100 meters and aimed at a scout who has long since moved on...

Re: Grockets

Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:41 pm

The new weapons are pretty OP on Nucleus. Yo can nuke the point with the charge up, and spam the blaster down the walkways as people charge the point. Also, the projectiles are deceptively deadly, so people don't think to dodge them (yet). I think once people adapt, people will start using the old weapons again.

Re: Grockets

Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:53 pm

The five rockets is dodge (and potentially OP), otherwise nothing special other than the prettiness, already back to failing at DH over here :mrgreen:

earl is right about dodging though, no one attempts to dodge the projectiles/alt-fire, which can rape if people don't move and they are chilling on the point.

Re: Grockets

Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:50 pm

Odd, since it's so easy to dodge them, and I do. Most people treat the rockets as lasers and shoot them straight ahead rather than going for splash like you would a normal rocket. It's slow moving, so it's easy to dodge.

Crits still don't work on the Cow Mangler though, any form of them (including deflecting minicrits, humiliation crits, and kritzkrieg). It's probably a bug. Today's 2nd update also nerfed the mangler a little, increasing reload time by 5%. (SPUF is crying that it's under powered now lolololol)

Re: Grockets

Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:22 am

Love the continual cries of xxx is OP! Needs a NERF NAO! ...or yyy is UP, please fix! ...suggestion to fix yyy, increase weapon damage by x!
I say to this type of person: "Just play the game you whiners!"
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