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Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:38 am

Sorry for the double post but two scrims so far this week:

Wednesday at 7pm pst and Saturday at 7pm pst BE ONLINE AT 6pm on those days!!!!! If you cannot attend please send me a pm, steam chat message, and/or email asap.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:33 pm

I can't make it Wednesday, I have a basketball game.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:13 am

"Basketball" is park's code word for his alone time...

I probably can't make it Wednesday. Saturday is open for now, but I recall that most RH doesn't like playing scrims/matches on friday/saturday...

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:35 pm

[RH]MonikerEpsilon Clip (ENJOY) :D
Click again to go to youtube and put it in HD
(If I see you guys do amazing stuff in a match I will ask you for your demo so I can record or if you want me to check it out just ask me to) :)

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:29 pm

Sgt.Dark wrote:[RH]MonikerEpsilon Clip (ENJOY) :D
Click again to go to youtube and put it in HD
(If I see you guys do amazing stuff in a match I will ask you for your demo so I can record or if you want me to check it out just ask me to) :)

Geez Moniker, you took out like half their team on the CP. Nice job.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:48 am

Wow, there Moniker!

As for scrims this week...I just set up one against Malent's team (and they are probably going to be facing Ess Two's team this week). The scrim will be on Thursday at 8pm pst (11pm est) so I encourage everyone to be there because we need to learn how to "actually" play ctf_turbine. I'll try to look up some strategy videos for the map and post them.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:31 am

I'd suggest on Turbine, to send your Engie through your vents to your Intel room and drop a tele or dispenser in there. This way if they rush a scout through there they usually can't control themselves and not destroy it giving you a warning. Dispenser has the added bonus of blocking movement completely. However you'll need to take it down to turtle later (if you plan on turtling your engie). Defensively, the biggest problem I guess, is that there are three ways to the Intel but short of putting your sentry right in the middle of that intel area.

The thing about turbine is that unlike other CTF matches every attack has to go through one central area. There are no sewers. That main room is where most of the fighting happens obviously. Snipers will probably stay in the intel halls firing into the main room as the balcony is just too open. Most snipers seem to rock Jarate but in the hallway the SMG should be considered as cutting down a intel carry scout there is much easier to defend then jarating him and killing him in the main, but thats the snipers preference.

As for moving enemy intel, scouts generally do most of the work. However I recall seeing a video where a group(medic + solly + demo) went in the intel to clear a sentry, the heavy remained in main, the scout picked up the intel, ran it to the opening of the hallway and main, dropped the intel in that area and ran to long way around the main room avoiding the enemys coming out of the other side. The solly then picked up the intel and rocket jumped across main to the other hallway and dropped the intel for the scout to pick it up and run it in. They did this twice. I'll see if I can find the video.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:42 pm

Hi guys. Just joined.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:36 pm

I got us a scrim against Malent's team on Thursday at 11pm est which is 8pm pst. I'm going to look into getting a scrim on Friday around 7pm (and those of you concerned about it interfering with Friday Night Retro Highlights the server usually begins to fill up after 8:30pm which should be way past the scrim ending)

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:19 pm

I'll be there for this Fri but not on Thur...that is when my Thur Kenpo class starts...

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:29 pm

Friday is ok but I am not available until after 8:30 on Thursday.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:53 pm

I can do Thursday, but Friday is doubtful. We shall see.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:56 pm

Both days work for me.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:51 pm

Ok, I'm trying to set up a scrim for every day for the rest of the week...I will be speaking to Malent's team later today about setting up a scrim for the normal time Thursday (8pm pst)

Friday I set up a scrim with Axl-ffu's team at 8pm pst (but it might be moved earlier such as 7pm pst)

Saturday I set up a scrim with [MC] RedMage's team, its set at 8pm pst again, but like Axl's team it might be moved earlier.

Finally on Sunday I'm working with Dubel's team for a scrim at 7pm pst.

Sorry about the lack of scrims last week, but hopefully 4 scrims this week will make up for it. I'll make a new post if anything changes...also the match will be at the default time on our server. Yes we are the home team for 3 weeks in a row now!

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:55 pm

Awesome, thanks for setting these up Al Fire.

I can make thursday and sunday -- not sure about friday and saturday yet.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:04 pm

Definite no on Thur...Sat and Sun should be good...Fri not sure

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:30 pm

Scrims this week
  1. Malent's team Thursday at 7pm PST (10pm est and is set in stone)
  2. Axl-ffu's team Friday at 8pm PST (it is set in stone)
  3. [MC] RedMage's team Saturday at 7pm PST (set in stone)
  4. Dubel's team Sunday at 7pm PST (might be changed or canceled depending on when they set their match)

Match this week - default time 6:30pm PST on Earl's highlander server

[EDIT]RedMage's scrim was going to be at 8pm, but turned out to be too we moved it an hour earlier to 7pm PST[/EDIT]
Last edited by Al Fire 101 on Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:58 pm

Can make it thurs and sun, might be out of town friday and saturday.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:28 pm

Ok, tomorrow I am headed to Vietnam then China and I will be gone until the 30th. Good luck with the matches in the next 2 weeks.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:10 pm

Parkmad wrote:Ok, tomorrow I am headed to Vietnam then China and I will be gone until the 30th. Good luck with the matches in the next 2 weeks.

Park, it's still illegal to solicit under aged girls in those countries too. Have fun in Vietnam. I haven't even been to my country of ancestry yet. Life... busy... expensive...

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:00 pm

gel wrote:
Parkmad wrote:Ok, tomorrow I am headed to Vietnam then China and I will be gone until the 30th. Good luck with the matches in the next 2 weeks.

Park, it's still illegal to solicit under aged girls in those countries too. Have fun in Vietnam. I haven't even been to my country of ancestry yet. Life... busy... expensive...

MORE LIKE SCARED! They will eat you alive over there!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:36 pm

Listening to the match on 21 Mar 11...and my 2 yen.

We DON'T have a consistent strategy for Steel as yet...we have ideas, but NO strategy. If we are going for E, we HAVE to go E. No more falling back...all this does is allow the opponent time to adjust. The best chance we had for E, was the first round. Blaine was lighting them up with headshots as they came out the E exit, but, could not hold them. Al had his sentry too far forward and too easy for them to open door, throw out a grenade or two with a rocket for good measure and 1 sentry down. During this time, we did not have the full team helping out. We were dividing efforts between C and E, or B or E. Going for E...go for E.

Some other things...did not have a good use for the Pyro this match. Al kept wanting her with him, yet she was quite effective in assisting during the captures. She DID keep the medic/heavy relatively spy free.

Al, you really should not need to have the Pyro once you are at Level 3. You are TOO defensive as an Engineer and need to roam a bit in order to be more proactive to keep the opponents off your stuff. You cannot just sit there in one spot repairing items that don't need repairing. Also, you could move your stuff forward a bit quicker. Again, roaming a bit forward to do your own scouting instead of relying on the others can help out the team. Small steps and you will get there w/o having to rely on the others as much.

All in all, what I noticed was that the other team was almost always united together. Their spy made it a priority to come harass Al and our Heavy all the time. Chuuw, dividing her time, could not always protect against this guy. The opponent also made use of their scout in harassing our Engineer and Medic as well. Half the time, they were in the same areas.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:41 pm

So I take it you guys lost the match tonight? Or am I wrong?

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:13 am

Yeah, we lost. It wasn't a complete steamroll, though.

I kind of echo Jinx's statements. Once you have a level 3, it should take teamwork to take it down. A good engy can defend against even the best spies 1 on 1 (i.e. The Mad Hatter's engineeer). You have to keep your eyes and ears open, and watch your back.

Re: The UGC Highlander Tournament Scrim Thread

Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:27 pm

Ok I'm still working on finalizing everything but here is what I have so far, also sorry about the lateness of it:

Wednesday: Dubel's team 7pm pst
Thursday: Axl-ffu team 7pm pst
Friday: Be Right Back, Uninstalling 7pm pst
Saturday: Defrosted Tuna Team at 7pm pst (one of the leaders of stoic will be watching this scrim, taking notes and will hopefully instruct us afterwards how to be more effective in matches)
Sunday: I'll look into it
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